CMLT316- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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Best least known god is the keres- the goddesses of violent death. Some of the evils released by pandora. Need blood, represented usually in bloody clothes. Can"t decide on which humans they claim, they are sent by zeus and other gods to feast related to the fates on the humans. Goes off and is leader of the bacchai. Kills and beheads her own son in dionysus"s play. Believed that her son was a lion. She goes mad, and eventually is exiled. Women not act out for herself, be quiet, in the back of the house. She is not rewarded like hercules was. Heros are product of intercourse between gods and mortals (demigods) Study of heros, looks at how their stories are linked and share certain features. Three main scholars that look at the three main characteristics. Otto rank is the earliest; looked at the births of heroes (not just greek or romans)