FASH355 Midterm: FASH355 Lecture Notes Exam I

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3: standard, companies expand to international markets to capitalize on their large scale format, locating in areas where land and labor are inexpensive, retail international expansion, see graph in slides. 4: need knee replacement need to get in line for knee replacement must wait, capitalistic economy: gives companies a free hand in conducting business within their boarders, us economy, economic environment, economic health of the country. 6: possession is nine tenths of the law, patents and copyrights are determined by the party that can prove it had the idea first favorable to foreign investment, most flexible. Islamic law: based on interpretation of the koran: exists in pakistan, iran, other islamic countries. Including host country suppliers in the company"s global operations: factors of production. India, china, usa, canada, and south africa are examples of multicultural countries. Including: material elements, architecture, artifacts learn about our past, europeans vs. Us: what we consider old is nothing compared to.