GEOL120 Final: Geol-120-Final

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Document Summary

Landslides: not many in the middle of the country, california- wildfires, colorado- road blasting, ohio- soft rock, pennsylvania- clay red beds. Systems that shape the costal environment: biochemical, plate tectonic, physical climate system, sea level, long term, plate tectonic system, change size/shape ocean basin. Isotastic adjustment to lithosphere: short term, physical climate system, waves, currents, tides, pressure changes, more slope=more dangerous for sea level rise. Ocean tides: spring- high (moon and sun aligned)- great difference between tides, bay of fundy- extreme tide differences. Weather and climate: latent heat- energy released/absorbed by something, transfer of hear: convection, conduction, radiation, atmosphere. Jet stream: 100-200mph, high elevations, rossby waves- undulations in the stream, air masses, cp- cold and dry, mp- cold and wet, ct-warm and dry, mt- wet and warm, continental-dry polar-cold tropical-warm maritime-wet (cp and mt. Earth"s climate system and global change: a- warmest and most humid, e- coldest.