HIST135 Study Guide - Final Guide: Neoliberalism, Free Market, United Fruit Company

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A major uprising against porfirio diaz due to little local entrepreneurship or capital from diaz"s policies. Diaz had a vision of an economic miracle through railroad expansion, land acquisition by speculators, increased foreign trade and investment he arrested political dissidents, put down rebellions and granted autonomy to loyal politicians. President of mexico after the mexican revolution who helped organize revolutionary reforms. Minister of labor following military coup, he was a populist political leader in. Argentina who gained the support of the middle class for his isi (import substitution industrialization) policies. Economics and politics populist shift during depression, end of oligarchy dominance, urban labor increased political influence, isi policies drew peasants into cities in search of work to urban areas received benefits of populist nationalism. His populist movement quickly became unfavorable to elite the military took power with a coup that promised to bring national reorganization to. A trade and economic policy that advocates replacing foreign imports with domestic production.