[KAAP309] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (26 pages long)

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Muscle tone: stabilizing muscle tendons, kept tight. Stability: articular surfaces - shape determines which movements possible, ligaments unite bones and prevent excessive or undesirable motion, origin attachment to immovable bone, insertion attachment to moveable bone. Range of motion: nonaxial slipping movements only, uniaxial movement in one plane, biaxial movement in two planes, multiaxial movement in or around all three planes. Flexion bending movement that decreases the angle of the joint. Extension reverse of flexion; joint angle is increased. Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion up and down movement of the foot. Abduction movement away from the midline. Circumduction movement describes a cone in space. Talocrural joint - ankle joint (talus to lower leg = crural region) Ankle sprain ***most common joint injury: low ankle sprain: tear of ligaments below the ankle . Inversion sprain more common: damage to lateral ligaments (ant. Shoulder joint (head of humerus and glenoid fossa of scapula)