KAAP309 Final: Exam Review Sheet

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Theories support data/numbers whether experiments were designed to test them or to create them: Testing theories: deductive reasoning using a theory to conduct an experiment collect data. Creating theories: inductive reasoning using a collection of data from an experiment produce a theory. Main belief: observation + thought possible reactions. Analogy: stories a person tells him/herself based on environment he/she is in. Ex: alcoholic creates a world where excessive drinking is acceptable learns to believe excessive drinking is acceptable. Causes a person to filter out what he/she feels is not important focus on what he/she believes is important to create a reaction. Result of using schema change or cause no change behavioral response used next time he/she is presented in the same environment. Creating schemas make sense of the world. Abnormal psychology: understanding nature/causes/treatment of mental disorders. Research domain criteria determined that abnormal behavior & psychopathology have no true definition use elements to describe: