NTDT200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Calcification, Cholecalciferol, Phylloquinone

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Document Summary

Nutrition - the science of nutrients in foods and their action within the body. The study of human behaviors related to food and eating. Taste - the main reason people eat what they eat. Functional foods - foods that contain non-nutrient substances whose known action in the body is to promote well-being to a greater extent than that contributed by the foods nutrients. Conducting research: use of the scientific method and research studies, epidemiological studies, experimental studies. Dietary reference intakes (dri) - standards defined for energy, nutrients, physical activity and is a collaborative effort of u. s. and. Recommended dietary allowances (rda) - recommendations to meet needs of most. Adequate intakes (ai) - set when rda cannot be, expected to exceed average requirements. Acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (amdr) - adequate energy and nutrients, reduce risk of chronic disease. Primary deficiency - nutrient lacking from the diet. Secondary deficiency - body doesnt absorb enough, excretes too much or uses nutrients inefficiently.