NTDT200 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Action Potential, Fluid Balance, Carbohydrate

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Study of human behaviors related to food and eating. Science of the nutrients in foods and actions within bodies. Poor nutrition in pregnant mothers affects the health of babies at birth and later in life. Carbs- a critical source of energy for brain and rbc, helps regulate bowel movements. Proteins-regulates fluid balance and facilitates chemical reactions. Lipids- required for synthesis of hormones and other compounds that regulate many body processes. Water- controls body temperature and is involved in many chemical reactions. Vitamins- participate in nearly every chemical reaction in body and some function as hormones. Minerals- cooperate with proteins to facilitate chemical reactions, soeme participate in nerve impulse and muscle contraction,provide body structure. Vitamins and minerals and are not a source of energy. Essential- must be supplied through the diet and are the nutrients that the body cannot produce i. e. water, linoleic oil. Nonessential- present in food not required and manufactured by body i. e. cholesterol.