NTDT200 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Retinol, Oily Fish, Beta-Carotene

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Mineral content in plants reflect mineral content in the soil. Toxicity generally not associated with dietary sources. Function: vision, cell development, immune function, and growth, bone. Beta-carotene (precursor/plant) vs. retinol (performed/animal) health and reproduction. Liver and oily fish are great for retinol. Dark leafy greens, papaya, carrots, and mangos are great for beta carotene. Toxicity- liver damage, vision disturbances, nausea, death. Deficiency- blindness, weakened immune system, dry skin, infections, fatal. Cholesterol is a precursor of vitamin d for synthesis in the body by sunlight. Primary functions: must be activated in the kidneys and liver to fulfill its biological functions. Main function- antioxidant/ prevention of free radical damage (cell membranes) Main dietary sources- oils and nuts (wheat germ oil, avocado, almonds, blackberries, italian dressing, margarine) Main dietary food source- leafy greens, some cheeses, fruits, and vegetable oils. Riboflavin- ariboflavins, cheilosis, milk, susceptible to destruction by light. Niacin- pellagra, niacin flush, dietary sources (tryphobtan) Vitamin b6- protein metabolism, anemia, protein foods.