NTDT310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thiamine, Glycogen, Basal Metabolic Rate

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Document Summary

Chapter 1: intro to nutrition for health, fitness, sports performance. Nutrition: sum total of processes involved in intake and utilization of food substances by living organisms, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, transport, and metabolism of nutrients in food. Promote growth & development, provide **energy, regulate metabolism. Factors affecting health status: genetics may predispose one to chronic disease, ex: diabetes, chrome(cid:495)s disease, celiac(cid:495)s, lifestyle: diet & pa. Most chronic diseases have genetic base (risk factor) strokes, cancers, heart disease. Top 6 causes of death: type 2 diabetes, accidents, chronic lung disease: 4/6 preventable & diet related!!! Risk factor: health/lifestyle behavior associated with given disease. Ex: family history, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, physical inactivity. Initiation promotion progression: promoters: lead to progression of chronic diseases. 2. antipromoters: delay initiation or progression of chronic diseases. Nutrigenomics: uses person(cid:495)s unique genetic information to reveal their risk of.