NURS372 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Edrophonium, Clopidogrel, Angiography

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Loc can cause atelectasis to happen; think bed rest risks: jco standards, hemorrhagic is much less common; could be a huge clump of vessels that randomly burst, aneurysm, worse headache of their life feels like they"re dying. S/s - nuchal rigidity and photosensitivity are specific to the aneurysm; cn deficit depending on where the bleed is, rapid loc, worse headache of life. Surgery - craniotomy taking out hematoma or taking part of brain out letting it disperse, clipping the aneurysm. Aneurysm coil - go in thru femoral; peripheral checks; stops blood flow to aneurysm and it will die off. Use mannitol and monitor serum osmo bc at risk for di. After stroke, see if discharge to outpatient, or at home rehab unit. Dopamine drip, increase fluids: watch for dehydration, neuromuscular dysfunction communication, verbal, physical. Avoid complications of stroke and get back to adls being done independently. Huge life change - changes perceptions of things.