PSYC370 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Feminine Psychology, Test Strategy, Social Dominance Orientation

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Internal structures of the mind can function independently of each other and can conflict: id: irrational/emotional, ego: rational, superego: moral. Oral stage the child from the outside world. Stages obtained: must fulfill the babies needs but not instantly to show them the world can respond differently so they do not become fixated, opposites: narcissists had excessively cold or overly admiring parents. Anal stage: physical focus: anus and organs of elimination, ego develops mediates wants and possibilities, psychic themes: obedience and self-control one. Over/underdevelopment: phallic adult rigid morals versus no. Over or under sexualized oneself as masculine/feminine morals: realize boys and girls are different, identification with same sex parent. Latency until puberty: psychic theme: learning and cognitive development. Thinking processes: secondary process thinking: conscious part of the ego thinks this way. Secondary because develops as ego does and plays less important role (according to freud: primary process thinking: thinking without negatives, time, practicalities, and dangers.