Document Summary

Apk 2100c applied human anatomy - final exam study guide. Use this list of topics to guide your review of material from each chapter for the final exam. The final exam questions will consist of 4 answer choices and very few all of the above , none of the above , a and b only , etc types of answer options. All questions on the final exam will be derived from subjects seen on. No, i will not review your study guide to verify its depth or accuracy. Chemical (atoms, molecules) -> cells -> tissues -> organs -> system -> organism. Regional terminology yes, you have to know them all still you can thank me later. General structure of the plasma membrane fluid mosaic model. Plasma membrane has a phospholipid bilayer with proteins and cholesterol embedded in it. Types of membrane junctions and their functional differences. Endocytosis engulfing a particle with the cell membrane to bring it into the cell.