HUN 3403 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Trans Fat, Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill, Coconut Oil

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Adulthood study guide (exam 2: know rda values for protein and amdr values for carbohydrates, added sugars, protein, and fat. Amdr: know the factors considered in calculating eer. Added sugar less than 25: know food sources of saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, trans fatty acids, dietary and functional fiber, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, plant sterols/stanols, and b vitamins. Saturated fatty acids: beef, pork, palm oil, palm kernel, chicken, dairy products, and coconut oil. Cholesterol: egg yolk, beef, lover, chicken ,whole milk, skim milk, corn oil, and butter. Trans fatty acids: stick margarine, shortening, commercial frying fats, high fat baked goods, naturally occurring (meat/dairy) Dietary and functional fiber: pectin, gums, found in apples, citrus, legumes, oats. Antioxidants: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, vegetable oils. Effects of pms are anxiety, mood swings, breast pain, fatigue, cramps, weight gain; 10% with pms have severe form.