HUN 4446- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 29 pages long!)

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Hun 4446 fall 2016: the pancreas is an elongate, flattened gland located in the upper abdomen behind the stomach, 3 sections + acinar cells (responsible for secreting digestive enzymes) and islet of. Understand the significance of these tests in terms of why certain analytes may be elevated/depressed in acute pancreatits. Increased crp inflammatory response: elevated plasma glucose, elevated wbc count. Initial feeding of low-fat (approv 15-20 %), soft diet. If fat intolerance/steatorrhea occurs then reduce fat intake and use pert(st: multivitamins until intake is adequate (amount varies by person, no alcohol; avoid pn, describe the nutritional management for severe pancreatitis. Pn for severe acute: ng or nj tube + formula of choice (20-25 ml/hr elemental or small peptides with. Mct or polymeric) if tolerated- decreased abdominal pain and serum enzymes progress to oral diet; low fat initially if not tolerated- adjust tube placement/formula/infusion method no improvement- initiate pn. Nutrition: 1. 2-1. 5 g/kg bw protein; 25-35 kcals/kg bw/day (indirect calorimetry) .