HSC 2000- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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Stanfield"s introduction to health professions, by l nanna cross and dana mcway, 7th edition. Medicaid to negotiate drug prices with big pharmacy companies. Healthcare financing: funded through a variety of private payers and public programs, federal, state, and local governments, private health insurance. Subsystems of u. s. health care delivery: managed care- how does manage care organizations (mco"s) control utilization of medical services, military, vulnerable populations- cost, access, quality, integrated delivery- aco"s, long-term care- current issues, public health- new focus. 88: defensive medicine is when doctors bill more services and tests in order to remove fault from them if the patient suffers an unforeseen complication. What is health: u. s. health care has followed a medical/biomedical, it presupposes the existence of illness or disease, it emphasizes clinical diagnosis and medical interventions to, treat disease or its symptoms, with a clinical diagnosis and medical intervention. Beliefs, values, and health: not a tax-financed national health care program.