MAN 3025 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cognitive Dissonance, Absenteeism, Job Enrichment

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Chapter 11: 5 key personality traits (core evaluation) Locus of control: how much people believe they control their own fate. Self e cacy: belief in one"s own ability. Emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management, attitudes and behavior. De nition: predisposition (feeling or belief) towards a given object (people, events, etc) Importance of attitudes: warn potential behavioral problems, attitudes in uence behavior, employees will try to reduce cognitive dissonance, role of perception. De nition: work related attitudes and behavior. What types of behavior are managers concerned with: working: performance and productivity. Absenteeism and turnover: exceeding work roles: organizational citizenship, detrimental: counterproductive behavior. The psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior. A manager"s job is to channel motivation toward the accomplishment of goals: elements in the model of simple motivation. How the models (content, process, job design, and reinforcement) di er: 4 perspectives (know the implications of these models)