PHI 3300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ipso Facto, Truism

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Overview: argues skepticism is decisively refuted by common sense, his argument follows: If skepticism is true, we do not have knowledge of the external world. But we do have knowledge of the external world, he gives examples. 1) enunciate a list of propositions that appear to be obvious truths at first glance, everyone in your opinion you know with certainty to be true. 2) then state a single proposition which makes an assertion about a whole class of propositions, each proposition which resemble one of the propositions from the first list, Cannot be stated until the list on 1) comes about, not so obvious as to be taken as truism, but it is a proposition which you know with certainty to be true. Continued to exist some time after birth. Been at every moment either in contact or not from the earth. Come to a truism that can be stated after the list of 1)