[CCJ 3024] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (40 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Qualitative is used more in criminal justice over quantitative: longitudinal vs cross-sectional. Collecting data only at specific time is cross-sectional. The more and more researchers that go into a field of study create new stands and viewpoints on different topics. Literature review basically takes these and looks at them critically, then summarizes the different viewpoints: systematic literature review. Most articles contain the following sections: abstract, introduction, literature review. Author discusses about the general issue, or the topic, of the article: data, research method, results, conclusion and discussion. Provide a general background of: the general issue, why the topic is important, usually with both sides of story, usually . Data source, collecting first hand or second hand data: using second-hand data, you do not know what the authors were focused on or if the data is 100% the exact same as the original. What types of statistical tool or model is used in the article.