CJL 4110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Juvenile Court, Burglary

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State must prove beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict. Jurors will be softened for the case by both sides of the defense and prosecution. Whoever has the burden of proof has to lay out their evidence first. If you"re prosecutor calling a witness you have to ask open-ended questions: the defense cross-examines, badgers a little, because in adversarial system you"re trying to attack their credibility raise reasonable doubt. Defense has to be careful about how they question their witnesses. Exceptions to questioning: getting witness to be called hostile witness, can use different, ex. If a murder victims father is on stand, want to change his types of questioning status to hostile witness to use different questioning techniques. Criminal defenses: getting case taken away. Affirmative defense you state i did it, but not criminally liable : go beyond impeachment/ rebuttals, they"re doctrines where, i did it but , needs features: