SYG 2000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Individualism

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Ii: sexuality the way people think and behave towards themselves and others as sexual objects, sexual orientation who we are attracted to/desire, heterosexual attracted to opposite sex, homosexual attracted to same sex, bisexual attracted to both sexes, asexual attracted to neither sex, pedophila attracted to minors/children, sexual script how we behave sexually, men tool oriented ; dominant, aggressive, detached, physical, women play oriented ; emotional, submissive, sensual, attached, social constrains on sex rape, public sex, # of partners, religious, men over women (cid:224) consensual sex, assault, rape, rape culture culture condones rape by way we discuss/act on it. Fordism uses 3 ^^ to set the standard for production. smaller and more specialized productions, shift away from manufacturing owning class owns all tools and little pay so we would industrially shift into (cid:224) communism: communism means of production is own by collective, socialism shift after communism, it"s organizing everything so it goes smooth.