SYG 2000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Objectified, Macrosociology, Participant Observation

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Syg 2000 final study guide- university of florida. Chicago school discontents: premise: humans" behaviors and personalities are shaped by their social and physical environments (social ecology, chicago was useful for studying urbanism and its. Looking-glass self: charles horton cooley, university of michigan, the self emerges from an interactive social process. We envision how others perceive us and use that to shape our self-concept: group dynamics is a contributing factor, self develops throughout childhood, eventually considering what other people think, and defines sense of self as generalized other. Generalized other: george herbert mead, university of chicago, defined as our view of the views of society as a whole that transcends individuals or particular situations, w. i. Thomas describes, if men define situations as real they are real in their consequences. Functionalism: based on ideas from mile durkheim and influenced by, defined as the notion that the best way to analyze.