STA 2023 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research, Multistage Sampling, Confidence Interval

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2. 2 types of statistical inferences: confidence interval, significance test. 3. 3 things to consider when evaluating data source: how, who, when the survey was collected. 5. affect of outlier on iqr, median: no effect. 8. binomial distribution is: discrete outcome must be finite number n counting. 9. cluster sampling: probability sampling using a group or unit rather than an individual. 14. examples of categorical v. : zipcode, fav. color, area code, something that you can"t avg. 15. ex. of bimodal: two modes like comparing milages with control vs. hybrid. 22. find mean or expected value in discrete prob. 23. give interval of r & its units: -1