COMM 1500- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 15 pages long!)

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Communication competency: consistently communicating in ways that are appropriate (it follows accepted norms), effective (it enables you to achieve your goals), and ethical (it treats people fairly). We are ethically obligated to avoid intentionally hurting others through communication. Communication that is meant to erode someone"s self esteem, that expresses intolerance or hatred, that intimidates or threatens other"s well being, or expresses violence is unethical and therefore incompetent. positively in every encounter. We need to strive to treat each other with respect, and communicate honestly, kindly, and. Online communication: connecting with others by means of new media, including social networking sites, email, text, snapchat, skype, chat rooms, and even video games. -enables us to meet and form friendships and romances with people we wouldn"t encounter otherwise. Online communication is not the best medium for giving in-depth, lengthy, and detailed explanations or for conveying relationship decisions: don"t assume that online communication is always more efficient.