COSC 1320 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: American Broadcasting Company, Exception Handling

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I which is 0 is pointing to j which is pointing to a. 2bbbb t[i]-pointer to first line t[0] int**k; k = address of second int *second; second is adress of a int a =10; second = &a; k = &second. How to inherit a const and other other function. Will give us class with private data member and we will create a subclass whose constructor will call constructor of base. Fill in the blank about what is polymorphism. Difference btw virtual functions and pure virtual functions. We cannot create an instance of type abstract. Give us code and ask what the output is. Will give us virtual class and another code without virtual. 2*2*2*2*2 condition to stop is 5 times if(condition to stop ==0) return 1; int pp(int a, int b) a = 2. Write a recursive function to print an array backwards. If you throw a class catch a class, throw an int catch an int.