SOC 3313 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Shoppers Drug Mart, Gateway Drug Theory, War Measures Act

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Study guide: soc 3313f: history of drug use & control. Substance use is not unique to contemporary societies: Oldest substance consumed by human beings was called mead (8000 bc: been around for many years, 1st documented substance in human history. Cocaine 1st emerged around 500 bc: most associated with native american (incas) tribe (b/c lived in high altitudes so drug alleviated pressure) Caffeine, the most widely used drug today, was documented around 900 bc: believed to be the gateway to narcotic use b/c its referred to any drug with dependence properties. There"s no documented reason why cannabis became criminalized in the 1st place. Emily murphy: important canadian female figure during 1st feminist wave who was invested in building a moral community and suggested cannabis as an evil drug. Human beings using it to alter their consciousness in any form (ex: being intoxicated off of alcohol, feeling relaxed because of a depressant/excited because of initial reaction)