BIO 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Neuromuscular Junction, Humerus, Zygomatic Arch

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Please note this is just a keyword index that you need to study every word not as sentences. Skeletal muscles functions: produce skeletal movement, maintain posture and body position, support soft tissues, guard entrances and exits, maintain body temperature, store nutrient reserves. Muscle organization and accessories: muscle , fascicle , muscle fiber , myofibril , myofilaments , sarcolemma , tendons , ligaments . Contains blood vessel and nerve supply to fascicles. Contains capillaries and nerve fibers contacting muscle cells. Contains myosatellite cells (stem cells) that repair damage. To form connective tissue attachment to bone matrix. Muscle fiber diagram and parts: sarcolemma, sarcoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, triads, terminal cisterna. Sarcomere structure and function: all components: dark, light, m, z, h, a, i bands and lines. Neuromuscular junction: study it as a diagram with labels, A fixed muscular contraction after death: caused when, ion pumps cease to function; ran out of atp, calcium builds up in the sarcoplasm.