SOC 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Oligopoly, New Social Movements, Underemployment

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Know the difference between ethnicity and race, and the argument for the social construction of race. Ethnicity - cultural values and norms that distinguish the members of a given group from others (a reference to culture, shared history, language, etc. ) (american is an ethnicity) Race - differences in human physical characteristics used to categorize large numbers of individuals (biology: know the definition of racism, institutional racism, scapegoating and stereotyping. Racism - attribution of characteristics of superiority or inferiority to a population sharing physically inherited characteristics. Institutional racism - patterns of discrimination in systematic manner in a way that advantages whites and disadvantages minorities. Scapegoating - individuals or group blamed for wrongs not of their doing. Distinguished from majority group by appearance, language, religion, etc. Western countries own others and they pay very little to the people. They want colonies to develop their own industry and the only funding is when they let in.