PSYC 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Illusory Correlation, Confirmation Bias, Skeptical Movement

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Document Summary

If a term is underlined and highlighted, it is a key term that you should know come exam day. If a term is just underlined it is an important person or concept that would be good to remember. Why we can"t always trust our common sense. How we can be fooled: two modes of thinking. Naturalistic observation: studying humans in the wild . Case study designs: getting to know you. Self-report measures and surveys: asking people about themselves and. How we come to be who we are. Psychology is the scientific study of the mind, brain and behavior. Psychological scientists study mind, brain, and behavior. These levels go from biological influences to social influences. The lower levels of analysis are more associated with the brain, while the higher levels of analysis are more associated with the mind. The mind is the brain in action. All the challenges of psychology are what make psychology such a fascinating field of study.