PSY-124 Study Guide - Final Guide: Internal Validity, Dependent And Independent Variables, Covariance

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1 Jun 2020

Document Summary

Know how to identify dependent variables (dv), independent variables (iv) Dv are expected to be influenced by the iv. Ivs must have at least 2 levels. Ivs can differ in quantity (amount of treatment/condition) or quality (type of treatment/condition) Must have at least two conditions for it to mean anything. It is something that participants bring to the table beforehand. Control variables are not actually variables and are held constant on purpose. Iv - comparison group or comparison condition. Groups include control group (no treatment condition), treatment group(s) (treatment condition(s)), placebo group (placebo control group) We need to know which one comes first. We know which one comes first because we are manipulating it, then measuring the dv. Error variation does not threaten internal validity because it does not explain why things are different between two conditions. Explains things within a variance or variable. Less of a concern than confound variance.