PSY-230 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Long-Term Potentiation, Aplysia, Mollusca

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1 Jun 2020

Document Summary

Exam 3: possible short answer prompts: describe the biochemical processes associated with ltp. Note: this should begin with the initial communication between neurons and finish with the creation & use of the protein creb. (this answer will be required & will likely. Be worth more points: describe the use of the aplysia in scientists" approach to studying ltp. Be sure to mention sensitization and habituation: aplysia (marine mollusk) i. ii. Used to study memory because they have only a few neurons. They can become the size of a human hand iii: long term potentiation in vertebrates i. ii. iii. More likely to communicate signals between those neurons for a small window of time after. Dendrite becomes hyper aware of signals yet to come. Occurs when one or more axons bombard a dendrite with stimulation: leaves the synapse potentiated for a period of time and the neuron is more responsive, long term potentiation (ltp) i. ii.