SOC 339 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Class

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Soc 339- complete mid-term 1 exam study guide. How does it relate to criminology? society changes. What is social construction and how does it relate to crime and deviance: sociological perspective: how humans interact with each other and, society decides what"s criminal and what"s not. This constantly get a grasp on what"s causing it. We don"t want people to have a false: because there is too much of it. Social ill. only way to reduce it is to sense of victimization. How do we create laws: consensus: will of the people, pluralist: competing groups- whoever has the most power/resources gets the say. Why is it important to study that: media tends to be focused on violent crime, street crime. We focus on specific crime but lose the real story on crime. It is important to study whether crime is actually going up or down.