BIOLOGY 116 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Female Reproductive System, Secondary Sex Characteristic, Atrazine

104 views4 pages
24 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Anableps, the four-eyed sh: if right handed, can only have sex with left handed people, and vice versa. Hemipenes of snakes and lizards: two headed covered in spikes to hold female into place. Amphibian gastrula: primordial germ cells migrate from the gut to genital ridge to form genitals. Sexually indi erent gonad develops into female gonad: archinephric duct disappears ovarian follicles appears to hold the eggs in the oviduct oviducts remains and becomes uterus and vagina - mammals. Sexually indi erent gonad develops into male gonad: oviduct disappears kidney ducts become more elaborate and later become male sex ducts. Gonads: females - ovaries males - testis epididymis: seminiferous tubule : deferent duct: Females: new duct, not derived or associated with the kidney ducts eggs are released into body cavity, and nds its way to. Reproductive tracts in female monotremes and marsupials: in primative mammals (like egg layers) there are double vaginas or double uteri.