NURS 220 Study Guide - Dont, Beek, Crisis Hotline

51 views1 pages
30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Guidelines for helping a friend who is a survivor of sexual assault: believe them. The greatest fear of sexual assault survivors is that they will not be believed; or that their experience will be minimized as not being important. even if details are unclear, don"t investigate. Allow them to tell you what happened as they feel comfortable. Do not press for details of the assault. Respect their need for privacy: let them be your guide. It is important to remember that sexual assault is an extreme loss of control. You should always be respectful of their choices. It is only through making their own decisions and taking control of their recovery that an assault survivor can begin to take control of their life again. Ask them to help you by telling you what they want or need: listen. They may not begin with a rush of words, so be patient.