NURS 245- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 75 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Health - multidimensional state of well being. Biological wellness - the ability to adapt and reestablish your normal physical state. Biological illness - the difficulty in maintaining homeostasis. Prevention vs restoration - taking the initiative to stay healthy or become healthy again by focusing on three components: Eating healthy and staying clean as well as exercising. Having good hygiene, surrounding yourself in healthy, thriving environments. Epidemiology of disease in the united states. Epidemiology - study of diseases in relation to age and cause of death. Life style factors in development of disease. Pasteurization of milk (boiling) killed tb bacteria. Women attempt suicide more than men, but men more often go through with it. Chances of dying is 100% -- everyone dies. 15% of us economy devoted to health. 5th highest infant mortality rate of 34. The aim of health care is health promotion. Health is a developed countries multidimensional state of well being -- intellectual, spiritual, environmental, and physical.