PSYCH 111 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Big Five Personality Traits, Primitive Reflexes, Plantar Reflex

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Document Summary

Developmental psychology: universal aspects of lifespan development from conception through death: identifies cultural variations. Explores physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Looks at elements of continuity and change over time. Zygote: fertilized egg; divides and implants itself in the wall of the uterus. Placenta: structure that allows oxygen and nutrients to pass into fetus from mother"s bloodstream; allows waste to pass out. Fetus capable of life outside uterus, age (threshold) of viability has changed and now considered to be 23-26 weeks (used to be 27-28) Myelination of brain takes place in the fetal stage. Teratogens - harmful toxins that affect development resulting in defect, damage or anomaly. When born, skin-to-skin contact shows positive results. Increased understanding of the role of prenatal exposure to drugs on the developing child: Thalidomide: helped identify how certain drugs could alter development. Stress: prolonged stress linked with prematurity and low birth weight.