PSYCH 250 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Binocular Vision, Sensory System, Fusiform Face Area

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Weight doubles by 4 months, triples by 1 year. Sleep needs to decline to just 12 hours per day by age 2. Newborns cry 2-3 hours a day, peaks at 6 weeks before it starts declining. Breastfeeding is best because it is the correct balance of fat and protein, nutritional completeness, protection against disease, healthy physical growth, and it is cheap, easy and safe. It also reduces risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis for the mother. Brain development is rapid and reflects experience. At birth, the brain is 25% its adult weight. By 2, the brain is 75% its adult weight. Rapid development of neural connections with 20% located in cerebral cortex. Transient exuberance - rapid proliferation of new neural connections per neuron. As many as 15,000 new connections per neuron & 100 trillion synapses by age 2. Synaptic pruning - makes the brain more efficient by eliminating underused connections. Results from scott & monesson (2010) suggests that experience matters.