PSYCH 250 Quiz: Mini Study Guide for Exam 2

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Compare and contrast theories of child-rearing in the first 2 years of life (e. g. erikson vs behaviorism) Describe the major milestones in emotional development in infancy. Discuss the role of temperament and goodness-of-fit for early psychosocial development. Define attachment and describe type a, b, c, & d babies. Describe 3 types of attachment in adulthood: preoccupied, dismissing, and secure. Describe physical growth during the play years. Describe brain development from 2 - 6 years. Discuss the development of fine and gross motor skills during play years. Describe the development of language during the play years. Erikson"s stage of initiative vs. guilt and intrinsic motivation in early childhood. Discuss development of emotional regulation (e. g. , the marshmallow test ). Parten"s 5 types of play: solitary, onlooker, parallel, associative, and cooperative. Baumrind"s parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive (plus neglectful/uninvolved). Theories of gender identity (social learning, cognitive developmental and gender schema). Advances in brain functioning (e. g. , selective attention, automatization) in middle childhood.