[PSYCH 250] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 46 pages long Study Guide!

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Lecture outline lecture 1: foundations and theoretical perspectives on development. The lifespan perspective: what is development, a process of age related changes across the lifespan, changes in growth, feelings, patterns of thinking. Development is multidirectional: a joint expression of growth and decline (becomes super logical but loses abilities in arts). Development is highly plastic (open to change at all ages). Influenced how cultural norms change throughout society (parenting, 50s babies vs 00s babies, etc): nonnormative influences: unusual occurrences, major impact but not applicable to many people. Unique turning point where a person would change the direction of their lives (wins the lottery, childhood cancer, car accident). Understanding theories: definition and function: a theory is an orderly, integrated set of statements that describes, explains, and predicts behavior. Provide organizing framework for observations, lead to predictions and hypothesis, offer practical guidance (ex. Baby emily cries when parents leave, what to do?)