SOC 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Patricia Hill Collins, Edith Windsor, Kiss Of Peace

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11 Jul 2016

Document Summary

Review sheet - unit 3 sex as problem. Reality is created and sustained through human interactions. The definition of sex varies from culture to culture. We categorize sexual behavior, but the varieties are infinite. The meaning of kissing is different in many cultures. We can"t really label lincoln gay because the the idea of sexual identity did not exist at the time. There are also no clear answers as to whether his relationship with speed was romantic or not. Sex was an instinct aimed at reproduction, not an identity. Homosexuality is seen as inferior because of the inability to reproduce and the blurred role distinctions. Binary identities based on attraction, behavior, nature, nurture: what piece of history did terry add to the dean explanation? (slide 3) Wilton lesbian is a group identity more than an individual identity. It may be rooted in biology, but how we act it out varies over time and culture.