SOC 3155 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cohort Study, News, Unstructured Interview

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17 Sep 2015

Document Summary

Everyday inquiry vs. science: similarities: how we come to know . Agreement/belief (paradigms: concepts of cause and probability , prediction as a goal. Everyday inquiry vs. science: differences: conscious methodology, colleague review, commitment to objectivity, strive for generalizability, strive for validity. Chapter 1: human inquiry and science: error. Foundations of social science: based on theory, not philosophy or belief. Theory is objective describes what is, not what should be. Not social science: why was joe shot by police? . Individual acts have many explanations but sum total of individual acts follows patterns. Health and illness: patterns are predictable and correlated with sociological variables causal explanation is possible. Relationships: heart of social science: variable: characteristic that varies, hypothesis: statement of relationship b/t variables. Independent variable: cause, antecedent: dependent variable: effect, outcome, causal: are they related. What cased the successes and failures of the civil rights movement: nomothetic: explaining a general class of phenomena.