[COMM 231] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 24 pages long Study Guide!

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Can read scripts & come up with a suitable budget! The producer"s right hand man on the set! Calls the shots on the set (ex. making sure sound is set up, actor is out of trailer on time, Logistics on set (allows director to focus on the creativity)! Come up with a look before shooting ex. color palette! Keeps track of preferred takes to make it easier for directors to choose later on! In charge of creating the world in which the lm takes place! Ex. certain production designers specialize in period pieces, urban sets, etc. In charge of the production on the oor! Sending clips (pieces of lm or digital les) into the correct order! Providing info such as donald trump, presidential nominee on the screen! Style: how a lm unfolds in images and sounds! Refers to the world of experience (kansas v. oz)! A cyclone takes a girl from her farm and goes to a mythical land!