MANAGMNT 491A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: American Bar Association, Human Capital, Social Entrepreneurship

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Document Summary

Environment- entrepreneurship is stimulated by a conducive environment. Resources- resource availability (financial, human resources, human capital) stimulates entrepreneurship. Perturbation- entrepreneurship occurs when people are displaced from their routines. Personal traits- entrepreneurship occurs because of entrepreneurial personalities and types. Preparation- entrepreneurship can be taught and learned through education and experience. Environment, resources and perturbation are primarily external forces. Personal traits and preparation are primarily internal forces. Many social entrepreneurs come from business and have succeeded in business. The difference between commercial and social entrepreneurship is greed. Assumes that all commercial entrepreneurs are greedy and that none are philanthropic. Some do, some don"t many legal forms support se. Implies no role at all for nurture, that only innate traits determine who does what. Knowledge stocks -assembling what you know from different sources. Intelligence and alertness -using practical and emotional intelligence in recognizing opportunities. Generating ideas to improve the effectiveness of a system. These are two points on a spectrum of creativity.