POLISCI 359 Quiz: Book 1 - Aristotle

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Book i: the theory of the household by aristotle. All associations have ends; the political association has the highest, but the principle of association expresses itself in different forms and through different modes of gov. All associations aim at some good, thus most sovereign association will aim most: this most sovereign/inclusive association is polis, or the political association. Politikos: statesman, who handles affairs of political association; not the same as a monarch or a manager or a master of slaves. Every form of friendship involves association; all associations are political. The polis is the crown; it fulfills the nature of the man. There must be a union or pairing of those who cannot exist without one another (like males and females uniting for reproduction) Among barbarians, the female and the slave occupy the same position; because no naturally ruling element exists among them. First form of association instituted for satisfaction of daily recurrent needs is family,