PSYCH 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pythagorean Theorem, Divergent Thinking, Down Syndrome

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PSYCH 100 Full Course Notes
PSYCH 100 Full Course Notes
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Syllogistic reasoning: drawing conclusions from a set of premises (all humans are vertebrates; george bush is human; Logical fallacies: all humans are vertebrates; my dog is a vertebrate; my dog is a human. Algorithms: set of rules that inevitably produces a solution (pythagorean theorem) Heuristic: may lead to a solution to a problem but may sometimes lead to errors. Availability heuristic: judging the likelihood of an event by considering the ease with which examples can be recalled from memory. Representativeness heuristic: making judgments based on similarity to a known concept. False consensus effect: the tendency to overestimate the degree to which others share our beliefs, attitudes, or attributes. Grammer: system of rules that determine how our thoughts can be expressed. Syntax: ways in which words and phrases can be combined to form sentences. Semantics: the rules governing the meaning of words and sentences. Learning-theory approach: language acquisition follows the principles of reinforcement and conditioning.