PSYCH 350 Quiz: psych exam 3 study guide

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Basic emotions and age when they are identifiable: how distinguishable are different positive emotions. 3rd month social smiles (encourage care?) 2 months smile when control event. 7 months smile more at familiar people: negative. In newborns, negative emotions are present but difficult to differentiate. Increases over time until about 2 then fades. Distress form leaving (or being left by) primary caregiver. Amount of distress varies by context: worse when parent leaves baby than when baby leaves parent. Anger (easy to differentiate by 12 months: when control is taken away. Sadness: when separated from parents, when not in control, certain emotions develop relatively late. The mirror task: after 18 months infants no longer oblivious to mark or post it on their head. Self conscious emotions: 1-2 years, relate to our sense of self and our consciousness of others" reactions to us. Embarrassment: need some sense of self to display these emotions, guilt and shame. Guilt associated with empathy for others.