BIOL 208 Midterm: A&P II Special Assignments Exam I notes

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Some athletes abuse epo (injected: esp. professional cyclists/marathon runners seeking increases stamina/performance, consequences can be deadly. Normal hemacrit increases from 45% up to 65% Dehydration from long race blood concentrates further, becomes thick sticky (cid:498)sludge(cid:499) can cause clotting, stroke, heart failure. Condition blood o2 carrying capacity too low to support normal metabolism. Abnormal excess of erythrocytes increasing blood viscosity, flows sluggish. Secondary polycynthemias- when less o2 available or epo production increases: occurs in individuals in high latitudes is normal, rbc counts 6-8 million/ul common. Clinical: 17. 2 hi- clinical use of epos and csfs. Hematopoietic hormones (epo and several of csfs) used clinically, stimulate bone marrow of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy (suppresses marrow) and those who have received stem cell transplants. Also used to beef up protective responses of aids patients. Overproduction of abnormal leukocytes occurs in leukemia and infectious mononucleosis. Leukopenia abnormally low wbc count, commonly induced by drugs particularly glucocorticoids and anticancer agents.