EHS 230 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Bone Density, Bone, Skeletal Muscle

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Exercise results in mechanical force which cause strength increase in some skeletal body regions. Osteoblasts make and let got of collagen that are made into fibers to build bone matrix. Bone matrix becomes strong with solid minerals. Happens on bone"s periosteum and trabecular bone (thin and internal) Trabecular bone acts faster than cortical bone. Collagen deposit know up to 12 weeks. Osteoporosis- diseases due to low bone mineral density. Specificity of loading- exercise that target one muscle or muscle group. Program variation- exercises should vary in order to benefit different body parts at once and increase bone strength. Bone mineral density is most built during early adult years. Body tolerates high level exercise at young age. Structural exercise- workout that involves heavy loads that target different areas of body. Mechanical force applied to spine and hips. Progressive overload- slow increase in demands on body, especially on muscles, connective tissues and bones.