PSYCH 215 Final: Complete and Comprehensive 38-Page Final Exam Study Guide - Spring 2016

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Abnormal psychology: study of abnormal behavior to describe, predict, explain, and change abnormal patterns of functioning. The 4 d"s: criteria used to determine if behavior is normal or abnormal deviant: differ from the norm: extreme, unusual, bizarre behavior, norms vary across cultures and contexts o. Thomas szasz: basically asserts that abnormal psychology is a made up construct by society to classify that those who are different/do not fit the mold for society o. 30% of adults and 19% of teens/adolescents are mentally ill in the u. s. with influences on: time context culture o o o: bias/prejudice. Treatment therapy: a procedure designed to change behavior sufferer who seeks relief from the healer healer = trained, socially accepted healer, expertise is accepted. Ancient times: cause of abnormal behavior: works of evil spirits, possession by demons treatment for severe abnormality trephination: drilling holes in skulls to let out demons o, exorcisms: to release demon possession.