MGMT 1001H- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 49 pages long!)

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Matrix functions (marketing, accounting, finance) best for small firm with limit # of products (create subgroups of diverse functions) best in innovative environment divisional/functional managers have same power, optimized resources, best for multiple environment demands. Complex, two managers for one employee, not accountable. Separate knowledge workers, volatile environment adaptive, interaction with external environment. Trompenaar"s dimension low high universalism/particularism all rules apply to everyone rules only apply to certain people neutral/emotional. Status based on heritage individualism/collectivism concern for self. Max weber (bureaucracy) how to organize firm, set. Managers manage according to employees, they know what they want. Management science: use quantitative methods to maximize resources, mis. Employees are lazy, need strict hierarchy employees are motivated, give more autonomy. Functional separate groups for accounting, marketing, good for small firm with limited number of products. Divisional create subgroups for diverse functions, good for innovative markets. Matrix divisional/structural have same authority, good for multiple env. demands. Trompenaar"s dimension low high universalism/particularism rules for all.